
Is MDT College of Health Sciences hard to get in?

No. Based on last year acceptance rate, it is very affordable to get into MDT College of Health Sciences. The acceptance rate of MDT College of Health Sciences is 83.78% for academic year 2022-2023. The table below allows you to compare acceptance rates with other schools by type, level, and location.
2022-2023 U.S. Colleges Acceptance Rate Statistics
Average Acceptance Rate
MDT College of Health Sciences83.78%
Private (for-profit), less than 2-years Schools in Illinois83.78%
All U.S. Schools72.82%
Public Schools77.43%
Private Schools69.95%
4 Years (or High) Schools72.46%
2-4 Years Schools74.68%
Public, 4 Years (or High) Schools77.61%
Private, 4 Years (or High) Schools69.88%
The next table shows the acceptance rate and admission yield with the number of applicants, admitted, and enrolled students at MDT College of Health Sciences.
2022-2023 Admission Statistics
MDT College of Health Sciences
Acceptance Rate 83.78% 50.00% 85.71%
Yield (Enrollment Rate) 77.42% 100.00% 76.67%

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