
Selected Colleges Comparison

Graduation RateTransfer-out RateRetention Rate

Graduation Rate Comparison

No information available for the schools.
Graduation Rate Comparison Between Selected Colleges
Name Graduation Rate
American Institute of Trucking no recent data available (probably not active)
Pure Aesthetics Natural Skincare School No completers information available at the school.
Avalon Institute-Phoenix No completers information available at the school.
UEI College-Phoenix No completers information available at the school.
International Barber College No completers information available at the school.
UEI College-Mesa No completers information available at the school.
(0.00% / 0.00%)
(0 / 0)
(0 / 0)

Transfer-out Rate Comparison

No information available for the schools.
Transfer-out Rate Comparison Between Selected Colleges
NameTransfer-out Rate
Total Students
American Institute of Trucking no recent data available (probably not active)
Pure Aesthetics Natural Skincare School No transfer-out information available at the school or no students transferred out.
Avalon Institute-Phoenix No transfer-out information available at the school or no students transferred out.
UEI College-Phoenix No transfer-out information available at the school or no students transferred out.
International Barber College No transfer-out information available at the school or no students transferred out.
UEI College-Mesa No transfer-out information available at the school or no students transferred out.
(0.00% / 0.00%)
(0 / 0)
(0 / 0)

Retention Rate Comparison

The average retention rate of selected colleges is 71.50% for full-time students and 89.00% for part-time students. Retention rate is the percentage of a school's first-time, first-year undergraduate students who continue at that school the next year (Sophomore year). The following table compares the retention rates between selected colleges.
Among the selected colleges, Avalon Institute-Phoenix has the most highest retention rate of 92%, while UEI College-Mesa has the lowest rate of 55%.
Retention Rate Comparison Between Selected Colleges
American Institute of Trucking no recent data available (probably not active)
Pure Aesthetics Natural Skincare School No retention information available at the school.
Avalon Institute-Phoenix 92%89%
UEI College-Phoenix 59%-
International Barber College 80%-
UEI College-Mesa 55%-
Average71.50% 89.00%