
Colleges with High Student to Faculty Ratio in Arkansas

This page lists colleges with the high Student to Faculty Ratio (a faculty teaches/cares more students which means probably less attention/support on each student) in Arkansas. University of Arkansas has the lowest students to faculty ratio of 20 to 1 where 1,446 faculty or instructional staffs teach 30,936 undergraduate students in Arkansas.
We exclude colleges whose programs are focused on certificate, associate, and/or special subjects such as arts and music from the ranking. We also exclude schools which provide programs through online exclusively since those schools have relatively many more students per faculty than regular colleges.
The next table shows the schools that have high Student to Faculty Ratio with total number of students and faculties. Note that the actual ratio is computed based on number of undergraduate students and instructional staffs who teach undergraduate programs. It may differ from the number of faculties shown in below table. You may want to check colleges having the Lowest Student to Faculty Ratio in Arkansas.
Colleges with High Student to Faculty Ratio in Arkansas
NameStudent to Faculty Ratio# of Students# of Full-time Faculty# of Part-time Faculty
1University of Arkansas
Public, four-yearsFayetteville, AR
20 to 130,9361,270176
2Arkansas Tech University
Public, four-yearsRussellville, AR
18 to 19,445358248
3Henderson State University
Public, four-yearsArkadelphia, AR
16 to 12,51917841
4Arkansas State University
Public, four-yearsJonesboro, AR
15 to 113,190536187
5Harding University
Private (not-for-profit), four-yearsSearcy, AR
15 to 14,805303116
6John Brown University
Private (not-for-profit), four-yearsSiloam Springs, AR
15 to 12,3267979
7Southern Arkansas University Main Campus
Public, four-yearsMagnolia, AR
15 to 15,09415776
8University of Central Arkansas
Public, four-yearsConway, AR
14 to 19,913525154
9University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Public, four-yearsPine Bluff, AR
13 to 12,38715542
10University of Arkansas at Monticello
Public, four-yearsMonticello, AR
12 to 12,71915335