
Question on Cleary's Enrollment

Here are some important questions about Cleary's student demographics. Touch/click a question to see the answer. You can check the detailed enrollment information at student population page.
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How many students are attending Cleary University?
For the academic year 2022-2023, 891 students are attending Cleary University. The next table summarizes the student population by gender, attending status, and enrolled program.

2022-2023 Student Population By Gender
Cleary University
Undergraduate719 (80.70%)455264
Graduate172 (19.30%)7597
Full-time713 (80.02%)436277
Part-time178 (19.98%)9484
What is the student gender ratio at Cleary University?
For the academic year 2022-2023, 530 male and 361 female students enrolled in Cleary University . The male to female student ratio is 146.8 male students per 100 female students.
How many full time students are in Cleary University?
For the academic year 2022-2023, 713 full-time students and 178 part-time students have enrolled in Cleary University.
How many students are enrolled in online classes at Cleary University?
For the academic year 2022-2023, 278 students are enrolled in online classes exclusively (earn degree or complete program online completely) and 610 students are enrolled in some online classes at Cleary University. The next table summarizes the distance learning (online classes) student population at Cleary University.
2022-2023 Distance Learning Enrollment
Cleary University
Online Exclusively278 (31.20%)122156
In Some Online Classes610 (68.46%)59416
Not In Online Classes3 (0.34%)30
What is the student race/ethnicity distribution at Cleary University?
The next table summarizes the student population by race/ethnicity at Cleary University.
2022-2023 Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity at
Cleary University
American Indian/Native American2 (0.22%)20
Asian5 (0.56%)32
Black/African American37 (4.15%)2215
Hispanic17 (1.91%)107
White195 (21.89%)10590
Race Un-Known598 (67.12%)359239
What is the student age distribution at Cleary University?
Student population by age is not available or not reported for Cleary University.