
Question about SACN Academic Characteristics

Here are some important questions about the institutional characteristics of Saint Anthony College of Nursing. Touch/click a question to see the answer. You can check the detailed tuition information at academic overview page.
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What is the school type of Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
Saint Anthony College of Nursing is a Private (not-for-profit), four-years school. A private college is not funded or operated by the government. Instead, they are usually funded through a combination of tuition fees, endowments, and private donations.
Where is Saint Anthony College of Nursing located in?
Saint Anthony College of Nursing is located in Rockford, IL. The address of Saint Anthony College of Nursing is 3301 N. Mulford Road, Rockford, IL, 61114 . map

You can find more detail Contact information of Saint Anthony College of Nursing below.
Where can I find the financial aid information at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
You can find the financial aid information of Saint Anthony College of Nursing at www.osfhealthcare.org/sacn/admissions/resources/financial-aid/ .
Where can I find the athletic information at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
The student right to know information webpage is unknown or not reported.
Where can I find the disability information at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
You can find the disability services information of Saint Anthony College of Nursing at www.osfhealthcare.org/media/filer_public/e4/28/e428d5ce-928a-47d5-abf2-96fb7320f97a/sacn_catalog_website_version_9-22-22.pdf .
What is the student to faculty ratio at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
The students to faculty ratio at Saint Anthony College of Nursing is 6 to 1. There are 242 students with 44 faculties at Saint Anthony College of Nursing.
What does Saint Anthony College of Nursing specialize in?
Saint Anthony College of Nursing is a Other health professions school by Carnegie classification.
What is the highest degree offered at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
The highest degree offered at Saint Anthony College of Nursing is the Doctor's degree - other.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing accept the dual Credits?
Yes. Saint Anthony College of Nursing accepts the Dual Credits.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing accept the credits for life experiences?
Yes. Saint Anthony College of Nursing accepts the Credits for Life Experiences.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing accept advanced placement (AP) credits?
Yes. Saint Anthony College of Nursing accepts the Advanced Placement (AP) Credits.
What credits are accepted at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
The following table shows the accepted credits that students earned prior to admission at Saint Anthony College of Nursing.
Accepted Credits at Saint Anthony College of Nursing
Dual Credits
Credits for life experiences
Advanced Placement (AP) credits
What is the calendar system at Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
The calendar system of Saint Anthony College of Nursing is the Semester system.
Is Saint Anthony College of Nursing affiliated to a religion?
Yes. Saint Anthony College of Nursing is religiously affiliated with Roman Catholic.
Is Saint Anthony College of Nursing a historical black college (HBCU)?
No . Saint Anthony College of Nursing is not a Historical Black College (HBCU).
Is Saint Anthony College of Nursing a tribal school?
No . Saint Anthony College of Nursing is not a Tribal school.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing have a hospital?
No . Saint Anthony College of Nursing does not have hospital.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing offer the medical degree?
No . Saint Anthony College of Nursing does not offer/grant a medical degree.
Does Saint Anthony College of Nursing have the law school?
Saint Anthony College of Nursing does not have a law school or the information is not reported.
Is Saint Anthony College of Nursing accredited?
Yes. Saint Anthony College of Nursing is accredited by Higher Learning Commission. In addition, Saint Anthony College of Nursing has 4 specialized accredited programs and 3 internship/residency accredited programs.
How many faculties are in Saint Anthony College of Nursing?
There are 22 full-time faculties (instructional staffs/postsecondary teachers) at Saint Anthony College of Nursing for academic year 2022-2023. The next table shows the number of full-time faculties with tenure status and academic rank.
Tenure StatusTotalProfessorsAssociate professorsAssistant professors Instructors/LecturersNo academic rank
Full-time Instructional Staffs By Faculty Status
Saint Anthony College of Nursing
All Full-time Instructional Staffs22111370
With faculty status, total22111370
Not on tenure track/No tenure system22111370
What is the Saint Anthony College of Nursing rank?
Saint Anthony College of Nursing is not ranked in any category of school types.