
Who Accredits Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine

Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine Accreditation

Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine is accredited by Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. By accreditation type, the school has 1 Institutional, 1 Specialized accredited programs.
Institutional Accreditation
Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine
Agency NameAccreditation StatusDate TypePeriod
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineAccreditedActual5/4/2003 - Current

Specialized Accreditation at Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine

Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine has 1 specialized accreditation programs as below.
Specialized Accreditation
Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine
Program NameAccreditation StatusPeriod
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture (ACUP) - Professional master's degree and professional master's level certificate and diploma programs in acupuncture and oriental medicineAccredited (Actual)5/4/2003 - Current