
Who Accredits Southeastern College-Charleston

Southeastern College-Charleston Accreditation

Southeastern College-Charleston is accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. By accreditation type, the school has 1 Institutional, 1 Specialized accredited programs.
Institutional Accreditation
Southeastern College-Charleston
Agency NameAccreditation StatusDate TypePeriod
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and CollegesAccreditedActual1/28/2001 - Current

Specialized Accreditation at Southeastern College-Charleston

Southeastern College-Charleston has 1 specialized accreditation programs as below.
Specialized Accreditation
Southeastern College-Charleston
Program NameAccreditation StatusPeriod
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
Medical Assistant (MACD) - Certificate or Diploma programAccredited (Actual)8/14/2018 - Current