
Who Accredits Southern Technical

Southern Technical Accreditation

Southern Technical College is accredited by Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. By accreditation type, the school has 4 Institutional, 8 Specialized accredited programs.
Institutional Accreditation
Southern Technical College
Agency NameAccreditation StatusDate TypePeriod
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and SchoolsAccreditedEstimated7/1/1984 - Current
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and SchoolsAccreditedEstimated6/29/2009 - 7/17/2015
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and SchoolsAccreditedEstimated7/1/2000 - Current
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and SchoolsAccreditedEstimated1/1/2008 - Current

Specialized Accreditation at Southern Technical College

Southern Technical College has 8 specialized accreditation programs as below.
Specialized Accreditation
Southern Technical College
Program NameAccreditation StatusPeriod
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
Medical Assistant Education (MAAB) - Private schools and programsAccredited (Actual)3/19/2004 - 9/21/2015
Medical Assistant Education (MAAB) - Private schools and programsAccredited (Estimated)6/5/2014 - 9/21/2015
Medical Assistant Education (MAAB) - Private schools and programsAccredited (Estimated)6/5/2014 - 9/21/2015
Surgical Technology (STAB) - Schools and Programs for the surgical technicianAccredited (Actual)10/18/2011 - Current
Surgical Technology (STAB) - Schools and Programs for the surgical technicianAccredited (Actual)3/19/2004 - 4/30/2008
Surgical Technology (STAB) - Schools and Programs for the surgical technicianAccredited (Estimated)6/5/2014 - Current
Surgical Technology (STAB) - Schools and Programs for the surgical technicianAccredited (Actual)3/19/2004 - 10/19/2007
Surgical Technology (STAB) - Schools and Programs for the surgical technicianAccredited (Estimated)6/5/2014 - Current