
Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) Career Program

Start your Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) Career!

Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) Program at U.S. Colleges

Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) is a ny instructional program in Film/Video and Photographic Arts which is not categorized in sub area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) vocational programs is $36,998. The average amount is computed based on the costs for one(1) year or one but less than two years (1-2) years vocational programs. The average length of the Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) vocation program is 360 contact hours (credit hours) and the average completion time is 22.00 months.

U.S. Colleges Offering Film/Video and Photographic Arts (other) Program