
American University of Puerto Rico Employee Salary

American University of Puerto Rico is a private institution located in Bayamon, PR. It is a Baccalaureate's College by Carnegie Classification. You can view and compare Baccalaureate's College Faculty Salary page.

Average Faculty and Staff Salary

American University of Puerto Rico has 61 employees including both faculty and non-instructional staffs. The average faculty is $27,064 and the average non-teaching staff salary is $26,231. The average faculty salary increased 0.39% ($105) from last year at American University of Puerto Rico. The non-instructional staff salary have down -2.54% ($-683) from last year.
The following tables describe the average salary for teaching faculty and non-teaching staffs at American University of Puerto Rico. The number in parentheses shows the percentage change in the current year's salary compared to the previous year.
Average Faculty & Staff Salary at American University of Puerto Rico
Professors (Teaching Faculty)
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
+$900 (0.39%)
+$105 (0.39%)
Detailed faculty salary
Non-instructional Staffs
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
+2 (3.85%)
+$16,949 (1.21%)
-$683 (-2.54%)
Detailed staff salary