
Arizona Faith-related Colleges Professor Salary By Academic Rank

There are 2 Arizona Faith-related Colleges in Arizona - Phoenix Seminary and International Baptist College and Seminary. The average faculty salary of them is $48,527.

Faculty Salary Comparison Arizona Faith-related Colleges

School CategoryState
The following table summarizes the faculty salary by academic rank for 2 Arizona Faith-related Colleges.
You can sort the table to check highest or lowest faculty salary by academic rank.
2023 Average Faculty Salary at Arizona Faith-related Colleges
School nameAll Faculty AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
Phoenix SeminaryScottsdale, AZ $65,120$72,143$60,438----
International Baptist College and SeminaryChandler, AZ $31,934$31,934-----