
Average Staff Salary By Occupation

Beverly Hills Design Institute has 2 full-time non-instructional staffs and the average salary is $20,000. Beverly Hills Design Institute's staff salary is the same as last year' salary. The following list shows the average salary for the popular occupation with a number of employees.
  • The average salary of the Management position is $20,000 over 2 Management staff.
The following table summarizes the average staff salary by occupation with the number of staff at Beverly Hills Design Institute.
Average Staff Salary By Occupation at Beverly Hills Design Institute
OccupationYearNumber of StaffsAverage Salary
All Non-Instructional Staffs Total20232
Research2023No Research Staffs Reported
Public service2023No Public service Staffs Reported
Librarians, Curators, Archivists, Academic Affairs, and other Education Services2023No Librarians, Curators, Archivists, Academic Affairs, and other Education Services Staffs Reported
Business and Financial Operations2023No Business and Financial Operations Staffs Reported
Computer, Engineering, and Science2023No Computer, Engineering, and Science Staffs Reported
Community Service, Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media2023No Community Service, Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media Staffs Reported
Healthcare Practioners and Technical2023No Healthcare Practioners and Technical Staffs Reported
Service2023No Service Staffs Reported
Sales and related2023No Sales and related Staffs Reported
Office and Administrative Support2023No Office and Administrative Support Staffs Reported
Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance2023No Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Staffs Reported
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving2023No Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Staffs Reported

Staff Salary Comparison

Beverly Hills Design Institute's average staff salary is $20,000. Beverly Hills Design Institute's staff salary is much lower than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is also much lower than the average salary ($75,614) of four-years colleges in California.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
Beverly Hills Design Institute$20,000
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
California Colleges$75,329
Four-years California Colleges$75,614

Staff Salary Comparison Between Beverly Hills Design Institute and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near Beverly Hills Design Institute. Compared to those schools such as International School of Cosmetology and Career Development Institute Inc, Beverly Hills Design Institute's staff salary is much lower than the average salary ($66,679). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from Beverly Hills Design Institute.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
Beverly Hills Design Institute$20,00015
Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary Los Angeles, CA$92,20526
American Academy of Dramatic Arts-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA$57,67975
Reiss-Davis Graduate School Los Angeles, CA$72,5939
Gnomon Hollywood, CA$85,092129
Musicians Institute Hollywood, CA$47,730312
Theatre of Arts Hollywood, CA$35,80524
Los Angeles Film School Hollywood, CA$58,050500
University of California-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA$84,28125,256