
Faculty Salary By Academic Rank at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College

The 2023 average faculty salary is $92,711 at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College across all academic ranks. City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's faculty salary increased by 0.07% compared to the 2022 salary.
At City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College, by academic rank:
  • The Professor salary is $130,387, a 2.91% increase from last year (+$3,689).
  • The Associate professor salary is $104,017, a 1.01% increase from last year (+$1,037).
  • The Assistant professor salary is $87,408, a -5.47% decrease from last year (-$5,053).
  • The Instructor salary is $82,143, a -1.18% decrease from last year (-$977).

Faculty Salary By Gender

The following tables show the average faculty salary by academic rank and gender at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College.
All FacultyProfessorAssociate professorAssistant professorInstructor
At City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley, the average male faculty's salary is $94,850 and female faculty's is $90,573. The difference in salary between male and female faculty $4,277, with male faculty' annual salary being 4.72% higher than that of female faculty.
Average Faculty Salary at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$92,711
+$62 (0.07%)
-$229 (-0.24%)
+$174 (0.19%)
9-Month Contract$92,711
+$62 (0.07%)
-$229 (-0.24%)
+$174 (0.19%)
10-Month ContractNo Faculty with 10-Month Contract
11-Month ContractNo Faculty with 11-Month Contract
12-Month ContractNo Faculty with 12-Month Contract
The average salary for City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's 4 Professor is $130,387. By gender, the average male professor salary is $143,077, and that of female professor is $117,697. The salary difference between male and female professor is $25,380, which means male professor's salary is 21.56% higher than female professor's salary.
Professor Salary at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$130,387
+$3,689 (2.91%)
-$28,817 (-16.76%)
+$6,064 (5.43%)
9-Month Contract$130,387
+$3,689 (2.91%)
-$28,817 (-16.76%)
+$6,064 (5.43%)
10-Month ContractNo Professor with 10-Month Contract
11-Month ContractNo Professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month ContractNo Professor with 12-Month Contract
The average salary for City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's 11 Associate professor is $104,017. By gender, the average male associate professor salary is $107,624, and that of female associate professor is $102,664. The salary difference between male and female associate professor is $4,960, which means male associate professor's salary is 4.83% higher than female associate professor's salary.
Associate professor Salary at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$104,017
+$1,037 (1.01%)
+$4,002 (3.86%)
+$51 (0.05%)
9-Month Contract$104,017
+$1,037 (1.01%)
+$4,002 (3.86%)
+$51 (0.05%)
10-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 10-Month Contract
11-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 12-Month Contract
The average salary for City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's 14 Assistant professor is $87,408. By gender, the average male assistant professor salary is $90,146, and that of female assistant professor is $83,757. The salary difference between male and female assistant professor is $6,389, which means male assistant professor's salary is 7.63% higher than female assistant professor's salary.
Assistant professor Salary at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$87,408
-$5,053 (-5.47%)
-$4,217 (-4.47%)
-$6,423 (-7.12%)
9-Month Contract$87,408
-$5,053 (-5.47%)
-$4,217 (-4.47%)
-$6,423 (-7.12%)
10-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 10-Month Contract
11-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 12-Month Contract
The average salary for City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's 19 Instructor is $82,143. By gender, the average male instructor salary is $86,020, and that of female instructor is $76,812. The salary difference between male and female instructor is $9,208, which means male instructor's salary is 11.99% higher than female instructor's salary.
Instructor Salary at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$82,143
-$977 (-1.18%)
-$1,439 (-1.65%)
-$1,246 (-1.60%)
9-Month Contract$82,143
-$977 (-1.18%)
-$1,439 (-1.65%)
-$1,246 (-1.60%)
10-Month ContractNo Instructor with 10-Month Contract
11-Month ContractNo Instructor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month ContractNo Instructor with 12-Month Contract

Faculty Salary Changes over Past 5 Years

The average salary for City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley faculty has increased 12.96%, from $80,699 to $92,711. Professor salaries increased by 17.21%, associate professor salaries increased by 13.87%, and assistant professor salaries increased by 11.53% at City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College.

How City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley Faculty Salary Compared?

City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's average faculty salary is $92,711. City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's faculty salary is much higher than the national average faculty salary at 2-4 years colleges ($58,760). Its salary is higher than the average salary of 2-4 years colleges in Illinois.
City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College is a Associate's - Public Urban-serving Single Campus according to the Carnegie Classification. When compared Associate's - Public Urban-serving Single Campus, its salary is much higher than national average and higher than Illinois Associate's - Public Urban-serving Single Campus.
2023 Faculty Salary Comparison
Average Faculty Salary
City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College$92,711
Associate's - Public Urban-serving Single Campus$64,784
Illinois Associate's - Public Urban-serving Single Campus$76,853
National Average (2-4 Years Colleges)$58,760
2-4 Years Illinois Colleges$72,524

Similar Schools' Faculty Salary

Compared to similar colleges such as Elgin Community College and Wabash Valley College, City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley's faculty salary is slightly higher than the average salary ($80,649). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The similar schools are selected based on academic rank, location, school type & level, and tradition.
Average Faculty SalaryNumber of Faculty
City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College$92,711224
Elgin Community College Elgin, IL$98,849474
Wabash Valley College Mount Carmel, IL$65,15350
Triton College River Grove, IL$73,590540
Sauk Valley Community College Dixon, IL$64,70676
Prairie State College Chicago Heights, IL$82,502194
Parkland College Champaign, IL$80,439376
Joliet Junior College Joliet, IL$107,132766
John A Logan College Carterville, IL$66,124175
Illinois Valley Community College Oglesby, IL$75,434159
Highland Community College Freeport, IL$92,564108