
Faculty Salary By Academic Rank at Concordia University-Irvine

The 2023 average faculty salary is $67,536 at Concordia University-Irvine across all academic ranks. Concordia University-Irvine's faculty salary increased by 1.54% compared to the 2022 salary.
At Concordia University-Irvine, by academic rank:
  • The Professor salary is $78,140, a 1.17% increase from last year (+$904).
  • The Associate professor salary is $63,193, a 1.77% increase from last year (+$1,100).
  • The Assistant professor salary is $62,303, a 0.61% increase from last year (+$376).

Faculty Salary By Gender

The following tables show the average faculty salary by academic rank and gender at Concordia University-Irvine.
All FacultyProfessorAssociate professorAssistant professor
At Concordia University-Irvine, the average male faculty's salary is $69,530 and female faculty's is $65,467. The difference in salary between male and female faculty $4,063, with male faculty' annual salary being 6.21% higher than that of female faculty.
Average Faculty Salary at Concordia University-Irvine
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$67,536
+$1,023 (1.54%)
+$1,740 (2.57%)
+$364 (0.56%)
9-Month ContractNo Faculty with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$75,990
+$1,934 (2.61%)
+$1,039 (1.35%)
+$3,249 (4.65%)
11-Month Contract$75,377
+$4,120 (5.78%)
+$5,474 (8.01%)
+$1,599 (2.00%)
12-Month Contract$89,684
+$933 (1.05%)
+$4,184 (4.66%)
-$995 (-1.13%)
The average salary for Concordia University-Irvine's 34 Professor is $78,140. By gender, the average male professor salary is $79,612, and that of female professor is $74,605. The salary difference between male and female professor is $5,007, which means male professor's salary is 6.71% higher than female professor's salary.
Professor Salary at Concordia University-Irvine
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$78,140
+$904 (1.17%)
+$206 (0.26%)
+$1,709 (2.34%)
9-Month ContractNo Professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$87,932
+$677 (0.78%)
+$1,186 (1.32%)
+$49 (0.06%)
11-Month Contract$85,760
12-Month Contract$102,187
+$3,232 (3.27%)
+$604 (0.60%)
+$9,106 (9.65%)
The average salary for Concordia University-Irvine's 30 Associate professor is $63,193. By gender, the average male associate professor salary is $62,343, and that of female associate professor is $63,936. The salary difference between male and female associate professor is $1,593, which means male associate professor's salary is 2.49% lower than female associate professor's salary.
Associate professor Salary at Concordia University-Irvine
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$63,193
+$1,100 (1.77%)
-$3,638 (-5.51%)
+$4,621 (7.79%)
9-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$66,843
-$10 (-0.01%)
-$5,549 (-7.81%)
+$5,720 (9.13%)
11-Month Contract$76,041
-$3,900 (-4.88%)
+$1,599 (2.00%)
12-Month Contract$89,645
+$1,617 (1.84%)
-$5,065 (-5.13%)
+$3,878 (4.63%)
The average salary for Concordia University-Irvine's 44 Assistant professor is $62,303. By gender, the average male assistant professor salary is $61,213, and that of female assistant professor is $62,990. The salary difference between male and female assistant professor is $1,777, which means male assistant professor's salary is 2.82% lower than female assistant professor's salary.
Assistant professor Salary at Concordia University-Irvine
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$62,303
+$376 (0.61%)
+$2,737 (4.68%)
-$2,243 (-3.44%)
9-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$65,415
+$1,481 (2.32%)
+$2,294 (3.64%)
+$127 (0.19%)
11-Month Contract$63,000
-$5,362 (-7.84%)
-$5,362 (-7.84%)
12-Month Contract$85,531
-$7 (-0.01%)
+$5,139 (6.33%)
-$2,846 (-3.23%)

Faculty Salary Changes over Past 5 Years

The average salary for Concordia University-Irvine faculty has increased 3.77%, from $64,987 to $67,536. Professor salaries increased by 2.25%, associate professor salaries increased by 1.68%, and assistant professor salaries increased by 6.73% at Concordia University-Irvine.

How Concordia University-Irvine Faculty Salary Compared?

Concordia University-Irvine's average faculty salary is $67,536. Concordia University-Irvine's faculty salary is similar to the national average faculty salary at four-years colleges ($69,937). Its salary is lower than the average salary of four-years colleges in California.
Concordia University-Irvine is a Doctoral/Research University according to the Carnegie Classification. When compared Doctoral/Research University, its salary is slightly lower than national average and lower than California Doctoral/Research University.
2023 Faculty Salary Comparison
Average Faculty Salary
Concordia University-Irvine$67,536
Doctoral/Research University$74,691
California Doctoral/Research University$84,165
National Average (Four-years Colleges)$69,937
Four-years California Colleges$80,927