
Average Staff Salary By Occupation

EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian has 79 full-time non-instructional staffs and the average salary is $23,884. EDP's staff salary increased by 19.68% compared to last year' salary. The following list shows the average salary for the popular occupation with a number of employees.
  • The average salary of the Management position is $33,411 over 17 Management staff.
  • The average salary of the Computer, Engineering, and Science position is $19,522 over 3 Computer, Engineering, and Science staff.
  • The average salary of the Business and Financial Operations position is $23,773 over 6 Business and Financial Operations staff.
The following table summarizes the average staff salary by occupation with the number of staff at EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian.
Average Staff Salary By Occupation at EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian
OccupationYearNumber of StaffsAverage Salary
All Non-Instructional Staffs Total202379
+$3,928 (19.68%)
Research2023No Research Staffs Reported
Public service2023No Public service Staffs Reported
Librarians, Curators, Archivists, Academic Affairs, and other Education Services202310
+1 (11.11%)
+$4,193 (22.92%)
+$2,070 (6.60%)
Business and Financial Operations20236
+$1,843 (8.40%)
Computer, Engineering, and Science20233
+$2,563 (15.11%)
Community Service, Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media20231
+$14,069 (114.97%)
Healthcare Practioners and Technical2023No Healthcare Practioners and Technical Staffs Reported
-3 (-18.75%)
+$7,821 (70.81%)
Sales and related20236
-1 (-14.29%)
+$7,239 (55.56%)
Office and Administrative Support202315
+3 (25.00%)
-$215 (-1.04%)
Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance20238
+$3,044 (14.45%)
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving2023No Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Staffs Reported

Staff Salary Comparison

EDP's average staff salary is $23,884. EDP's staff salary is much lower than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is also much lower than the average salary ($32,003) of four-years colleges in Puerto Rico.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian$23,884
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
Puerto Rico Colleges$31,564
Four-years Puerto Rico Colleges$32,003

Staff Salary Comparison Between EDP and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near EDP. Compared to those schools such as Escuela de Peritos Electricistas de Isabela Inc and Universidad Adventista de las Antillas, EDP's staff salary is slightly lower than the average salary ($26,098). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from EDP.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian$23,884107
Universidad Adventista de las Antillas Mayaguez, PR$26,637164
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla Aguadilla, PR$25,199345
Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico Aguadilla, PR$18,172114
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Mayaguez, PR$34,3822,325