
Average Staff Salary By Occupation

EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba has 16 full-time non-instructional staffs and the average salary is $19,700. EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba's staff salary decreased by 2.05% compared to last year' salary. The following list shows the average salary for the popular occupation with a number of employees.
  • The average salary of the Management position is $16,848 over 2 Management staff.
The following table summarizes the average staff salary by occupation with the number of staff at EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba.
Average Staff Salary By Occupation at EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba
OccupationYearNumber of StaffsAverage Salary
All Non-Instructional Staffs Total202316
+2 (14.29%)
-$412 (-2.05%)
Research2023No Research Staffs Reported
Public service2023No Public service Staffs Reported
Librarians, Curators, Archivists, Academic Affairs, and other Education Services20233
+$4,015 (16.62%)
-$8,065 (-32.37%)
Business and Financial Operations2023No Business and Financial Operations Staffs Reported
Computer, Engineering, and Science2023No Computer, Engineering, and Science Staffs Reported
Community Service, Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media20231
+$1,828 (7.11%)
Healthcare Practioners and Technical2023No Healthcare Practioners and Technical Staffs Reported
Service2023No Service Staffs Reported
Sales and related20232
+$11,670 (140.51%)
Office and Administrative Support20235
+1 (25.00%)
-$3,133 (-16.95%)
Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance20233
+1 (50.00%)
-$3,924 (-18.25%)
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving2023No Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Staffs Reported

Staff Salary Comparison

EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba's average staff salary is $19,700. EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba's staff salary is much lower than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is also much lower than the average salary ($32,003) of four-years colleges in Puerto Rico.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba$19,700
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
Puerto Rico Colleges$31,564
Four-years Puerto Rico Colleges$32,003

Staff Salary Comparison Between EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba. Compared to those schools such as Dewey University-Juana Diaz and Emma's Beauty Academy-Juana Diaz, EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba's staff salary is much lower than the average salary ($29,382). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Villalba$19,70019
Dewey University-Juana Diaz Juana Diaz, PR$39,33329
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Mercedita, PR$26,523374
Caribbean University-Ponce Ponce, PR$22,69065
University of Puerto Rico at Ponce Ponce, PR$29,888380
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Ponce, PR$28,476816