
Faculty Salary By Academic Rank at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach

The 2023 average faculty salary is $93,396 at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach across all academic ranks. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's faculty salary increased by 1.32% compared to the 2022 salary.
At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, by academic rank:
  • The Professor salary is $128,798, a 0.70% increase from last year (+$891).
  • The Associate professor salary is $92,252, a 0.29% increase from last year (+$271).
  • The Assistant professor salary is $75,532, a 2.69% increase from last year (+$1,981).
  • The Instructor salary is $53,869, a 5.43% increase from last year (+$2,773).

Faculty Salary By Gender

The following tables show the average faculty salary by academic rank and gender at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach.
All FacultyProfessorAssociate professorAssistant professorInstructor
At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, the average male faculty's salary is $98,199 and female faculty's is $82,920. The difference in salary between male and female faculty $15,279, with male faculty' annual salary being 18.43% higher than that of female faculty.
Average Faculty Salary at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$93,396
+$1,215 (1.32%)
+$1,125 (1.16%)
+$1,391 (1.71%)
9-Month Contract$93,944
+$1,782 (1.93%)
+$1,869 (1.92%)
+$1,969 (2.44%)
10-Month Contract$101,851
-$7,458 (-6.82%)
-$9,218 (-8.32%)
-$5,250 (-4.88%)
11-Month ContractNo Faculty with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$108,364
+$137 (0.13%)
-$2,332 (-2.04%)
+$5,073 (5.28%)
The average salary for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's 100 Professor is $128,798. By gender, the average male professor salary is $131,336, and that of female professor is $117,977. The salary difference between male and female professor is $13,359, which means male professor's salary is 11.32% higher than female professor's salary.
Professor Salary at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$128,798
+$891 (0.70%)
+$1,372 (1.06%)
-$1,597 (-1.34%)
9-Month Contract$128,889
+$1,011 (0.79%)
+$1,208 (0.93%)
+$295 (0.25%)
10-Month Contract$139,463
-$4,138 (-2.88%)
-$9,914 (-5.65%)
-$19,551 (-14.70%)
11-Month ContractNo Professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$174,792
+$6,017 (3.57%)
+$6,017 (3.57%)
The average salary for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's 99 Associate professor is $92,252. By gender, the average male associate professor salary is $94,230, and that of female associate professor is $87,702. The salary difference between male and female associate professor is $6,528, which means male associate professor's salary is 7.44% higher than female associate professor's salary.
Associate professor Salary at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$92,252
+$271 (0.29%)
+$659 (0.70%)
+$321 (0.37%)
9-Month Contract$91,518
+$443 (0.49%)
+$803 (0.87%)
+$554 (0.64%)
10-Month Contract$113,581
-$3,282 (-2.81%)
-$4,262 (-3.67%)
+$4,225 (3.50%)
11-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$104,668
The average salary for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's 152 Assistant professor is $75,532. By gender, the average male assistant professor salary is $76,204, and that of female assistant professor is $74,412. The salary difference between male and female assistant professor is $1,792, which means male assistant professor's salary is 2.41% higher than female assistant professor's salary.
Assistant professor Salary at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$75,532
+$1,981 (2.69%)
+$2,021 (2.72%)
+$1,751 (2.41%)
9-Month Contract$75,878
+$2,336 (3.18%)
+$2,453 (3.29%)
+$1,891 (2.63%)
10-Month Contract$82,568
-$7,497 (-8.32%)
-$341 (-0.46%)
-$4,186 (-4.39%)
11-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$94,494
+$2,861 (3.12%)
+$4,009 (4.60%)
+$3,893 (4.05%)
The average salary for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's 18 Instructor is $53,869. By gender, the average male instructor salary is $58,125, and that of female instructor is $50,464. The salary difference between male and female instructor is $7,661, which means male instructor's salary is 15.18% higher than female instructor's salary.
Instructor Salary at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$53,869
+$2,773 (5.43%)
+$3,478 (6.36%)
+$2,920 (6.14%)
9-Month Contract$53,313
+$2,538 (5.00%)
+$4,487 (8.23%)
+$3,097 (6.54%)
10-Month Contract$56,842
+$4,066 (7.70%)
+$6,291 (12.44%)
11-Month ContractNo Instructor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$90,164
+$3,468 (4.00%)
+$3,468 (4.00%)

Faculty Salary Changes over Past 5 Years

The average salary for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach faculty has increased 6.74%, from $87,099 to $93,396. Professor salaries increased by 11.06%, associate professor salaries increased by 4.35%, and assistant professor salaries increased by 3.14% at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach.

How Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Faculty Salary Compared?

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's average faculty salary is $93,396. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach's faculty salary is higher than the national average faculty salary at four-years colleges ($69,937). Its salary is much higher than the average salary of four-years colleges in Florida.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach is a Master's Colleges according to the Carnegie Classification. When compared Master's Colleges, its salary is higher than national average as well as Florida average.
2023 Faculty Salary Comparison
Average Faculty Salary
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach$93,396
Master's Colleges$77,238
Florida Master's Colleges$76,826
National Average (Four-years Colleges)$69,937
Four-years Florida Colleges$59,970