
Average Staff Salary By Occupation - Everest University-South Orlando

The Staff salary is not available for Everest University-South Orlando

Staff Salary Comparison

Everest University-South Orlando's average staff salary is $77,999. Everest University-South Orlando's staff salary is higher than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is also higher than the average salary ($57,875) of four-years colleges in Florida.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
Everest University-South Orlando$77,999
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
Florida Colleges$56,554
Four-years Florida Colleges$57,875

Staff Salary Comparison Between Everest University-South Orlando and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near Everest University-South Orlando. Compared to those schools such as Robert Fiance Beauty Schools and Palm Beach Atlantic University, Everest University-South Orlando's staff salary is much higher than the average salary ($47,225). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from Everest University-South Orlando.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
Everest University-South Orlando$77,9992
Palm Beach Atlantic University West Palm Beach, FL$62,679611
Talmudic College of Florida Miami Beach, FL$40,44045
Key College Fort Lauderdale, FL$28,57112
Yeshivah Gedolah Rabbinical College Miami Beach, FL$57,2095