
Georgia Faith-related Colleges Professor Salary By Academic Rank

The 2023 average faculty salary of 4 Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $44,598.
  • The Professor salary of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $50,458.
  • The Associate professor salary of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $56,918.
  • The Assistant professor salary of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $45,312.
  • The Instructor salary of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $9,563.
  • The Lecturer salary of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $74,694.
  • Salary of faculty without academic rank of Georgia Faith-related Colleges is $9,500.

Faculty Salary Comparison Georgia Faith-related Colleges

School CategoryState
The following table summarizes the faculty salary by academic rank for 4 Georgia Faith-related Colleges. Of the schools, Columbia Theological Seminary has the highest faculty salary of $77,607 for the academic year 2023-2024. Interdenominational Theological Center and Luther Rice College & Seminary also have higher faculty salary of $57,980 and $33,242 respectively.
You can sort the table to check highest or lowest faculty salary by academic rank.
2023 Average Faculty Salary at Georgia Faith-related Colleges
School nameAll Faculty AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
Luther Rice College & SeminaryLithonia, GA $33,242$45,000$43,913$19,717---
Columbia Theological SeminaryDecatur, GA $77,607$88,289$69,314$62,968-$74,694-
Interdenominational Theological CenterAtlanta, GA $57,980$58,967$57,527$53,250---
Reformed UniversityLawrenceville, GA $9,563$9,577--$9,563-$9,500