
Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges Professor Salary By Academic Rank

The 2023 average faculty salary of 4 Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $63,645.
  • The Professor salary of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $66,938.
  • The Associate professor salary of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $65,842.
  • The Assistant professor salary of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $57,369.
  • The Instructor salary of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $51,551.
  • The Lecturer salary of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $52,419.
  • Salary of faculty without academic rank of Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges is $73,858.

Faculty Salary Comparison Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges

School CategoryState
The following table summarizes the faculty salary by academic rank for 4 Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges. Of the schools, Brigham Young University-Idaho has the highest faculty salary of $81,546 for the academic year 2023-2024. The College of Idaho and Lewis-Clark State College also have higher faculty salary of $67,507 and $64,148 respectively.
You can sort the table to check highest or lowest faculty salary by academic rank.
2023 Average Faculty Salary at Idaho Baccalaureate Colleges
School nameAll Faculty AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
The College of IdahoCaldwell, ID $67,507$81,080$67,237$59,508$53,263$52,419$66,169
Lewis-Clark State CollegeLewiston, ID $64,148$78,354$64,447$55,229$49,838--
Brigham Young University-IdahoRexburg, ID $81,546-----$81,546
New Saint Andrews CollegeMoscow, ID $41,379$41,379-----