
Indiana Faith-related Colleges Professor Salary By Academic Rank

The 2023 average faculty salary of 8 Indiana Faith-related Colleges is $49,805.
  • The Professor salary of Indiana Faith-related Colleges is $57,273.
  • The Associate professor salary of Indiana Faith-related Colleges is $63,037.
  • The Assistant professor salary of Indiana Faith-related Colleges is $54,372.
  • The Instructor salary of Indiana Faith-related Colleges is $35,508.

Faculty Salary Comparison Indiana Faith-related Colleges

School CategoryState
The following table summarizes the faculty salary by academic rank for 8 Indiana Faith-related Colleges. Of the schools, Saint Meinrad School of Theology has the highest faculty salary of $81,470 for the academic year 2023-2024. Concordia Theological Seminary and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary also have higher faculty salary of $60,871 and $58,419 respectively.
You can sort the table to check highest or lowest faculty salary by academic rank.
2023 Average Faculty Salary at Indiana Faith-related Colleges
School nameAll Faculty AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
Bethany Theological SeminaryRichmond, IN $55,604$69,231$50,963$43,136---
Christian Theological SeminaryIndianapolis, IN $57,303$78,666$61,997$46,270---
Concordia Theological SeminaryFort Wayne, IN $60,871$65,900$61,339$57,750$48,125--
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical SeminaryElkhart, IN $58,419-$59,730$55,358---
Saint Meinrad School of TheologySt. Meinrad, IN $81,470$93,905$81,158$69,347---
Horizon UniversityIndianapolis, IN -------
Veritas Baptist CollegeLawrenceburg, IN $26,779$27,751--$22,891--
Union Bible CollegeWestfield, IN $8,187$8,187-----