
Faculty Salary By Academic Rank at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College

The 2023 average faculty salary is $45,212 at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College across all academic ranks. Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's faculty salary decreased by 2.92% compared to the 2022 salary.
At Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, by academic rank:
  • The Professor salary is $56,118, a -3.57% decrease from last year (-$2,079).
  • The Associate professor salary is $46,620, a -3.44% decrease from last year (-$1,660).
  • The Assistant professor salary is $40,634, a -2.43% decrease from last year (-$1,011).
  • The Instructor salary is $36,236, a -2.89% decrease from last year (-$1,079).

Faculty Salary By Gender

The following tables show the average faculty salary by academic rank and gender at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College.
All FacultyProfessorAssociate professorAssistant professorInstructor
At Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical, the average male faculty's salary is $46,900 and female faculty's is $43,913. The difference in salary between male and female faculty $2,987, with male faculty' annual salary being 6.8% higher than that of female faculty.
Average Faculty Salary at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$45,212
-$1,358 (-2.92%)
-$1,453 (-3.00%)
-$1,096 (-2.44%)
9-Month ContractNo Faculty with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$50,359
11-Month ContractNo Faculty with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$59,942
The average salary for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's 22 Professor is $56,118. By gender, the average male professor salary is $56,315, and that of female professor is $55,774. The salary difference between male and female professor is $541, which means male professor's salary is 0.97% higher than female professor's salary.
Professor Salary at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$56,118
-$2,079 (-3.57%)
-$2,220 (-3.79%)
-$1,635 (-2.85%)
9-Month ContractNo Professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$62,451
11-Month ContractNo Professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$74,513
The average salary for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's 23 Associate professor is $46,620. By gender, the average male associate professor salary is $46,815, and that of female associate professor is $46,535. The salary difference between male and female associate professor is $280, which means male associate professor's salary is 0.60% higher than female associate professor's salary.
Associate professor Salary at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$46,620
-$1,660 (-3.44%)
-$1,687 (-3.48%)
-$1,621 (-3.37%)
9-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$51,872
11-Month ContractNo Associate professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$61,913
The average salary for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's 34 Assistant professor is $40,634. By gender, the average male assistant professor salary is $40,918, and that of female assistant professor is $40,409. The salary difference between male and female assistant professor is $509, which means male assistant professor's salary is 1.26% higher than female assistant professor's salary.
Assistant professor Salary at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$40,634
-$1,011 (-2.43%)
-$1,123 (-2.67%)
-$925 (-2.24%)
9-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$44,634
11-Month ContractNo Assistant professor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$55,311
The average salary for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's 13 Instructor is $36,236. By gender, the average male instructor salary is $36,530, and that of female instructor is $36,105. The salary difference between male and female instructor is $425, which means male instructor's salary is 1.18% higher than female instructor's salary.
Instructor Salary at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$36,236
-$1,079 (-2.89%)
-$1,168 (-3.10%)
-$942 (-2.54%)
9-Month ContractNo Instructor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$40,000
11-Month ContractNo Instructor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$49,021

Faculty Salary Changes over Past 5 Years

The average salary for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical faculty has decreased 1.49%, from $45,886 to $45,212. Professor salaries decreased by 7.27%, associate professor salaries decreased by 3.91%, and assistant professor salaries decreased by 5.81% at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College.

How Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical Faculty Salary Compared?

Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's average faculty salary is $45,212. Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's faculty salary is lower than the national average faculty salary at 2-4 years colleges ($58,760). Its salary is similar to the average salary of 2-4 years colleges in Kentucky.
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College is a Associate's - Public Suburban-serving Multicampus according to the Carnegie Classification. When compared Associate's - Public Suburban-serving Multicampus, its salary is much lower than national average and similar to Kentucky Associate's - Public Suburban-serving Multicampus.
2023 Faculty Salary Comparison
Average Faculty Salary
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College$45,212
Associate's - Public Suburban-serving Multicampus$63,844
Kentucky Associate's - Public Suburban-serving Multicampus$47,041
National Average (2-4 Years Colleges)$58,760
2-4 Years Kentucky Colleges$47,383

Similar Schools' Faculty Salary

Compared to similar colleges such as Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College and Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical's faculty salary is slightly lower than the average salary ($49,030). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The similar schools are selected based on academic rank, location, school type & level, and tradition.
Average Faculty SalaryNumber of Faculty
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College$45,212191
Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College Cumberland, KY$49,906113
Somerset Community College Somerset, KY$49,499281
Big Sandy Community and Technical College Prestonsburg, KY$50,819179
West Kentucky Community and Technical College Paducah, KY$47,867298
Gateway Community and Technical College Florence, KY$47,210237
Madisonville Community College Madisonville, KY$52,373180
Hopkinsville Community College Hopkinsville, KY$45,873104
Henderson Community College Henderson, KY$47,17467
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College Elizabethtown, KY$50,466224
Bluegrass Community and Technical College Lexington, KY$49,114600