
Average Staff Salary By Occupation - University of Phoenix-Arkansas

The Staff salary is not available for University of Phoenix-Arkansas

Staff Salary Comparison

Phoenix-Arkansas's average staff salary is $70,315. Phoenix-Arkansas's staff salary is slightly higher than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is higher than the average salary of four-years colleges in Arkansas.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
University of Phoenix-Arkansas$70,315
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
Arkansas Colleges$50,982
Four-years Arkansas Colleges$53,644

Staff Salary Comparison Between Phoenix-Arkansas and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near Phoenix-Arkansas. Compared to those schools such as Arkansas Northeastern College and Arkansas State University Mid-South, Phoenix-Arkansas's staff salary is much higher than the average salary ($45,912). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from Phoenix-Arkansas.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
University of Phoenix-Arkansas$70,3152
Arkansas Northeastern College Blytheville, AR$49,764222
Arkansas State University Mid-South West Memphis, AR$47,603208
Crowley's Ridge College Paragould, AR$46,45463
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas Helena, AR$44,300216
Arkansas State University Jonesboro, AR$47,9611,947
East Arkansas Community College Forrest City, AR$45,280170
Williams Baptist University Walnut Ridge, AR$39,147163
Black River Technical College Pocahontas, AR$46,790188