
University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla Employee Salary

University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla is a public institution located in Aguadilla, PR. It is a Baccalaureate's College by Carnegie Classification. You can view and compare Baccalaureate's College Faculty Salary page.

Average Faculty and Staff Salary

University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla has 295 employees including both faculty and non-instructional staffs. The average faculty is $64,509 and the average non-teaching staff salary is $22,591. The average faculty salary increased 2.14% ($1,350) from last year at University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla. The non-instructional staff salary have down -28.68% ($-9,084) from last year.
The following tables describe the average salary for teaching faculty and non-teaching staffs at University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla. The number in parentheses shows the percentage change in the current year's salary compared to the previous year.
Average Faculty & Staff Salary at University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Professors (Teaching Faculty)
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
-7 (-8.05%)
-$334,113 (-6.08%)
+$1,350 (2.14%)
Detailed faculty salary
Non-instructional Staffs
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
-15 (-6.52%)
-$2,428,099 (-33.33%)
-$9,084 (-28.68%)
Detailed staff salary