
Vermont Faculty Salary Comparison by Academic Rank

For the 14 Vermont colleges, the average teaching faculty salary is $73,879 in 2023. We exclude 5 trade schools which salary information is not available. By academic rank,
  • The average professor salary is $89,025 in Vermont.
  • The average associate professor salary is $77,365 in Vermont.
  • The average assistant professor salary is $65,341 in Vermont.
  • The average instructor salary is $71,853 in Vermont.
  • The average lecturer salary is $70,913 in Vermont.
  • The average salary of faculty without academic rank is $74,270 in Vermont.

Vermont College Faculty Salary Comparison Table

The following table compares faculty salaries at Vermont colleges by academic rank. You can filter the table to compare specific type of colleges of your choice.
All Vermont CollegesR1 UniversitiesR2 UniversitiesMaster'sBachelor'sCommunity Colleges
Vermont Colleges' Teaching Faculty Salary Comparison by Academic Rank
School NameAll Rank AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
Bennington College$88,368-----$88,368
Castleton University$66,130$73,303$64,227$56,316---
Champlain College$87,816$105,745$83,157$75,613$67,584--
Goddard College$46,583$46,583-----
Northern Vermont University$65,755$73,801$65,209$53,929---
Middlebury College$119,018$148,182$111,519$98,551$78,971$89,023$89,627
Norwich University$72,197$93,713$75,488$65,512$86,000$59,762$66,270
Saint Michael's College$77,818$95,427$76,121$67,189$62,053--
SIT Graduate Institute$59,817$67,844$61,268$47,438---
Sterling College$52,815-----$52,815
Vermont Law and Graduate School$75,072$84,453$83,539$61,726---
Vermont Technical College$68,420$80,794$70,746$55,889---
University of Vermont$92,141$126,090$96,873$80,349$64,657$63,955-
Landmark College$62,357$72,360$62,864$56,237---