
Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools Professor Salary By Academic Rank

The 2023 average faculty salary of 3 Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools is $52,360.
  • The Professor salary of Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools is $71,574.
  • The Associate professor salary of Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools is $63,518.
  • The Assistant professor salary of Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools is $63,025.
  • The Instructor salary of Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools is $39,528.

Faculty Salary Comparison Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools

School CategoryState
The following table summarizes the faculty salary by academic rank for 3 Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools. Of the schools, Cornish College of the Arts has the highest faculty salary of $54,845 for the academic year 2023-2024. Seattle Film Institute and Northwest College of Art & Design also have higher faculty salary of $49,875 and - respectively.
You can sort the table to check highest or lowest faculty salary by academic rank.
2023 Average Faculty Salary at Washington Arts, Music & Design Schools
School nameAll Faculty AverageProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorInstructorLecturerNo Academic Rank
Cornish College of the ArtsSeattle, WA $54,845$71,574$63,518$63,025$29,180--
Northwest College of Art & DesignTacoma, WA -------
Seattle Film InstituteSeattle, WA $49,875---$49,875--