
Fulton 58 School District Overview

Westminster College located in Fulton 58 School District area. A total of 5,793 households are located in Fulton 58 School District area. Among them, 1,849 households have children under the age of 18. The average family size is 3.18 people. The total number of children (under the age of 18) in the region is 4,343 and 4,358 students are attending schools including pre-K, K-12 schools, and colleges/graduate schools.
0.37% (55) of residents are non-citizens and 1.65% (249) of residents speak a language other than English at home.
*Source of the social, economy, income, and demographic data: EDGE (Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates) dataset for year 2015-2019
Social Characteristics of Fulton 58 School District, Missouri
Household with Child (age 18 and under)1,849
Child Population (age 18 and under)4,343
Total Students4,358
Grade 1-81,589
Grade 9-12668
College/Graduate School1,707
Non-English Home Language249
Internet Coverage100.00%

Employment Statistics

15,959 residents are over the age of 16 and 8,033 people are in labor force. Among them, 8,024 people are in civilian labor force and 9 are in armed labor force. 7,757 people are employed and the unemployment rate is 3.30%.
The tables below show the employment-related statistics for Fulton 58 School District area.

Average Income and Health Insurance

The average household income is $66,743 for the 5,793 households in Fulton 58 School District area, Missouri. The average income of a single worker is $26,189. 14,649 people have a health insurance and the health insurance coverage rate is 89.52%.


There are 6,731 housing units in Fulton 58 School District area, Missouri with 5,793 units (86.06%) occupied. 3,676 houses (63.46%) are occupied by owner and 2,117 houses (36.54%) are rented. The average housing value is $149,200 and the average rental cost is $658. 98 houses (1.46%) were newly built in 2014 or later and 1,112 houses (16.52%) were built in 1949 or earlier.


A total of 18,941 people lives in Fulton 58 School District area, Missouri with 10,323 male and 8,618 female. The males to female ratio is 54.50 to 45.50. The tables below describes the population by gender, age, and race.