
Average Staff Salary By Occupation - Yeshiva Sholom Shachna

The Staff salary is not available for Yeshiva Sholom Shachna

Staff Salary Comparison

Yeshiva Sholom Shachna's average staff salary is -. Yeshiva Sholom Shachna's staff salary is much lower than the national average staff salary at four-years colleges ($63,206). Its salary is also much lower than the average salary ($68,825) of four-years colleges in New York.
Non-instructional Staff Salary Comparison
Average Staff Salary
Yeshiva Sholom Shachna-
All Colleges$62,174
Four-years Colleges$63,206
New York Colleges$68,515
Four-years New York Colleges$68,825

Staff Salary Comparison Between Yeshiva Sholom Shachna and nearby Colleges

The following table shows the average staff salary of colleges near Yeshiva Sholom Shachna. Compared to those schools such as New York Seminary and Yeshiva Karlin Stolin, Yeshiva Sholom Shachna's staff salary is much lower than the average salary ($50,822). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The schools in below table are sorted by distance from Yeshiva Sholom Shachna.
Average Staff SalaryNumber of Staff
Yeshiva Sholom Shachna-21
New York Seminary Brooklyn, NY$92,30037
Yeshiva Karlin Stolin Brooklyn, NY$47,96812
Mesivta of Eastern Parkway-Yeshiva Zichron Meilech Brooklyn, NY$70,1388
Rabbinical College Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion Brooklyn, NY$39,79259
Beth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher Institute Brooklyn, NY$31,71117
Yeshiva Derech Chaim Brooklyn, NY$67,72327
Mesivta Torah Vodaath Rabbinical Seminary Brooklyn, NY$29,75924
Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College Brooklyn, NY$35,44115
Seminar L'moros Bais Yaakov Brooklyn, NY$42,56477