
York Technical College Employee Salary

York Technical College is a public institution located in Rock Hill, SC. It is a by Carnegie Classification. You can view and compare Faculty Salary page.

Average Faculty and Staff Salary

York Technical College has 243 employees including both faculty and non-instructional staffs. The average faculty is $54,083 and the average non-teaching staff salary is $54,674. The average faculty salary increased 4.94% ($2,546) from last year at York Technical College. The non-instructional staff salary has risen 24.52% ($10,767) from last year.
The following tables describe the average salary for teaching faculty and non-teaching staffs at York Technical College. The number in parentheses shows the percentage change in the current year's salary compared to the previous year.
Average Faculty & Staff Salary at York Technical College
Professors (Teaching Faculty)
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
-9 (-7.96%)
-$199,041 (-3.42%)
+$2,546 (4.94%)
Detailed faculty salary
Non-instructional Staffs
YearHeadcountSalary OutlaysAverage Salary
-15 (-9.74%)
+$837,957 (12.39%)
+$10,767 (24.52%)
Detailed staff salary

York School District 3 General Information

York Technical College located in York School District 3 area. A total of 46,956 households are located in York School District 3 area. It has 28 including Pre-K and K-12 schools with 17,778 students. The median value of home price is $167,000 and the average rent cost is $960. You can view more detail about York School District 3 including schools by level, demographic, and economic characteristics at Living in York School District 3 page
York School District 3 Social and Economic Overview
York School District 3
Number of Schools28 schools
Total Students17,778 students
Living circumstances
Total Households46,956 households
Child Population33,144
Average Home Price$167,000
Average Rent Cost$960
Average Household Income$55,019
Unemployment Rate6.00%
Health Insurance Coverage90.71%