
Blue Ridge Community College Faculty & Staff Headcounts

Headcounts and Directory Information

Blue Ridge Community College (Blue Ridge CC) is a public, 2-4 years institute located in Flat Rock, NC. It has a total enrollment of 2,794 and students to faculty ratio is 14 to 1. It is a Associate's - Public Rural-serving Large by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree is Associate's degree.
A total of 253 faculties (instructional staffs), including both full-time and part-time faculties, are working at Blue Ridge CC. The average faculty salary is $52,998 for the academic year 2022-2023. You can check salary information in detail at faculty salary by academic rank.
For non-instructional staffs, a total of 427 employees work at Blue Ridge CC. The average non-instructional staff salary is $57,624. The detailed staff salary information is available at salary by occupation page.
Blue Ridge Community College Faculty/Staffs Headcounts and Directory Information
Directory Information
Address180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock, NC
Phone Number828-694-1700
Faculty & Staffs Overview
Student to Faculty Ratio14 to 1
Number of Faculties64 Full-time / 189 Part-time
Number of Staffs183 Full-time / 244 Part-time
Faculty Average Salary$52,998
Staff Average Salary$57,624
Student Population2,794

Faculty and Staffs by Occupation

At Blue Ridge Community College, there are 526 employees including both full-time and part-time, instructional and non-instructional staffs. By employment types, 207 full-time and 319 part-time staffs work at Blue Ridge CC. By gender there are 252 male and 274 female employees.
Among them, 253 staffs are teaching (instructional) faculties - 74 full-time and 191 part-time faculties. By gender there are 154 male and 111 female faculties teaching at Blue Ridge CC.
The following table summarizes the number of faculties and staffs. You can check detailed staff statistics by gender, race, occupation, and faculty status.
Faculties & Staffs By Occupation, Gender, and Employment Type
Staff CategoryTotalFull-timePart-time
Grand Total 52625227420791116319161158
Postsecondary Teachers 26515411174324219112269
Librarians, Curators, and Archivists and other teaching and Instructional support 501733158735926
Management 913259361521551738
Business and Financial Operations 1028927101
Computer, Engineering, and Science 161061385321
Community Service, Legal, Arts, and Media 154111349202
Healthcare Practioners and Technical 330330---
Service 161331073660
Office and Administrative Support 475422212125421
Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance 1111011110---
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving 211101110