
Union College Faculty & Staff Headcounts

Headcounts and Directory Information

Union College (Union) is a private (not-for-profit), four-years institute located in Barbourville, KY. It has a total enrollment of 970 including undergraduate and graduate schools and students to faculty ratio is 9 to 1. It is a Master's College and University (smaller programs) by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree is Master's degree.
A total of 113 faculties (instructional staffs), including both full-time and part-time faculties, are working at Union. The average faculty salary is $47,443 for the academic year 2022-2023. You can check salary information in detail at faculty salary by academic rank.
For non-instructional staffs, a total of 237 employees work at Union. The average non-instructional staff salary is $42,103. The detailed staff salary information is available at salary by occupation page.
Union College Faculty/Staffs Headcounts and Directory Information
Directory Information
Address310 College St, Barbourville, KY
Phone Number606-546-4151
Faculty & Staffs Overview
Student to Faculty Ratio9 to 1
Number of Faculties48 Full-time / 65 Part-time
Number of Staffs160 Full-time / 77 Part-time
Faculty Average Salary$47,443
Staff Average Salary$42,103
Student Population970

Faculty and Staffs by Occupation

At Union College, there are 222 employees including both full-time and part-time, instructional and non-instructional staffs. By employment types, 146 full-time and 76 part-time staffs work at Union. By gender there are 98 male and 124 female employees.
Among them, 113 staffs are teaching (instructional) faculties - 48 full-time and 65 part-time faculties. By gender there are 50 male and 63 female faculties teaching at Union.
The following table summarizes the number of faculties and staffs. You can check detailed staff statistics by gender, race, occupation, and faculty status.
Faculties & Staffs By Occupation, Gender, and Employment Type
Staff CategoryTotalFull-timePart-time
Grand Total 222981241466878763046
Postsecondary Teachers 1135063482325652738
Librarians, Curators, and Archivists and other teaching and Instructional support 817615202
Management 2471724717---
Business and Financial Operations 413413---
Computer, Engineering, and Science 660660---
Community Service, Legal, Arts, and Media 432815382711514
Sales and related 211---211
Office and Administrative Support 2241820317211