
Metallurgical Technology/Technician Program

6 U.S. colleges are offering Metallurgical Technology/Technician programs and its subprograms.

Metallurgical Technology/Technician by Degree and Programs

0 graduate schools have Metallurgical Technology/Technician programs and no schools offer the program for BS degree. 5 colleges and vocational schools have the Metallurgical Technology/Technician program.
Metallurgical Technology/Technician Programs by Degree
Number of Offered Schools
Less than 12 Weeks Certificate-
Less than 1 Year Certificate2
1-2 Years Certificate3
2-4 Years Certificate-

U.S. Colleges Offering Metallurgical Technology/Technician Program

School NameUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionPopulatoinGraduation RateStudents to Faculty
Arkansas Northeastern College
Public, 2-4 years
$4,250 ($2,850) - 1,502 41% 17 to 1
Seward County Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$5,056 ($3,872) - 1,663 38% 13 to 1
Schoolcraft Community College District
Public, four-years
$7,906 ($5,982) - 7,650 16% 21 to 1
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Public, 2-4 years
$9,050 ($8,450) - 1,312 56% 16 to 1
Houston Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$5,460 ($4,344) - 48,159 17% 19 to 1
Kilgore College
Public, 2-4 years
$5,256 ($4,056) - 5,189 33% 18 to 1