
Career Programs at Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines Vocational Program Overview

Colorado School of Mines is a Public school located in Golden, Colorado. It offers total 0 programs through career courses.
For the academic year 2023-2024, its published tuition & fees is $44,376. The average earning in 10 years after graduation of the school is $95,600. Total 7,403 students are attending Colorado School of Mines and its graduation rate is 81%.
Below, you can check vocational programs and its tuition & fees at Mines.

Offered Degrees/Programs

Colorado School of Mines offers 0 career courses through programs. Next table summaries total number of completers by degree programs.
Total Number of Career Programs At Colorado School of Mines
1 Year Certificate2 Years Certificate 4 Years CertificateAssociate's
You can check whole programs with number of completers and salary information after graduation at area of study for Colorado School of Mines.

Important Academic Statistics at Colorado School of Mines

Next chart illustrates the 2024 important statistics for Colorado School of Mines. The average received amount of financial aid is $11,504 and 83% of undergraduate students received grants of scholarship aid. Total 7,403 students are attending Colorado School of Mines including both undergraduate and graduate students and the student to faculty ratio is 17 to 1.
[Chart] Colorado School of Mines Academic Statistics
Graduation Rate for Colorado School of Mines is 81 %.
Transfer-out Rate for Colorado School of Mines is 4 %
Retention Rate for Colorado School of Mines is 94 %
Student Population for Colorado School of Mines is 7,403
Student to Faculty Rate for Colorado School of Mines is 17 %
The average received amount of financial aid is $11,504 at Colorado School of Mines.

Similar Trade Schools to Colorado School of Mines

Below trade schools are similar to Colorado School of Mines having similar vocational programs, located in ColoradoCompare those schools to Colorado School of Mines with tuition, financial aid, offered career programs, and more academic facts.