
Four Years Colleges near Lincoln, Nebraska

4 schools in city, 3 schools near by

Nebraska Core StatisticsCompare all Nebraska Colleges

Lincoln is a city in Nebraska and it is the county seat of Lancaster county. Its population is 289,490. There are 7 colleges near Lincoln, Nebraska - 2 public and 5 private schools. 4 colleges are located in the city limit and 3 colleges are in 30 miles from Lincoln. All schools provide both undergraduate and graduate programs.
A total of 31,838 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $32,881 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges). The acceptance rate of the schools is 82.20% and the average SAT score submitted by enrolled students is 1,114.
7 Four Years Colleges near Lincoln, Nebraska
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
In Lincoln
$27,748 ($10,108) $20,318 ($8,168) 23,805 16 to 1
University of Nebraska-Central Administration System Office
In Lincoln
- - - -
Bryan College of Health Sciences
In Lincoln
Private (not-for-profit)
$20,070 $24,095 725 9 to 1
Nebraska Wesleyan University
In Lincoln
Private (not-for-profit)
$41,658 $9,483 1,688 11 to 1
Union College
In Lincoln
Private (not-for-profit)
$27,990 $32,026 694 8 to 1
Doane University
19.2 miles from Lincoln
Private (not-for-profit)
$40,491 $9,223 1,879 10 to 1
Concordia University-Nebraska
22.7 miles from Lincoln
Private (not-for-profit)
$39,330 $7,650 3,047 12 to 1