
Who Accredits Washington State University-Spokane

Washington State University-Spokane Accreditation

Washington State University-Spokane is accredited by . By accreditation type, the school has 5 Specialized accredited programs.
Institutional Accreditation
Washington State University-Spokane
Agency NameAccreditation StatusDate TypePeriod

Specialized Accreditation at Washington State University-Spokane

Washington State University-Spokane has 5 specialized accreditation programs as below.
Specialized Accreditation
Washington State University-Spokane
Program NameAccreditation StatusPeriod
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
Dietetics (DIET) - Coordinated Program in DieteticsAccredited (Actual)7/29/2016 - Current
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
Pharmacy (PHAR) - Professional degree programsAccredited (Estimated)7/24/1939 - Current
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the baccalaureate degree levelsAccredited (Actual)10/9/2004 - Current
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the graduate degree levelsAccredited (Actual)10/9/2004 - Current
Nursing (CNDNP) - Nursing education programs at the doctorate degree levelsAccredited (Actual)3/5/2014 - Current