K-12 Schools in 18 Cities, Guam


In Guam, 18 cities are serving 0 students. You can sort the list by city name, number of schools, and student population by touching a column name that you want to sort. You may want to view the schools by school district.

CityNumber of Schools PublicPrivateElementaryMiddleHigh PopulationTeachers
AGANA HEIGHTS 110 100 - -
AGAT 220 110 - -
BARRIGADA 660 332 - -
DEDEDO 990 621 - -
HARMON 110 100 - -
INARAJAN 220 110 - -
MANGILAO 330 201 - -
MERIZO 110 100 - -
ORDOT 220 110 - -
PITI 110 010 - -
SANTA RITA 220 002 - -
SINAJANA 110 100 - -
STA.RITA 110 100 - -
TALOFOFO 110 100 - -
TAMUNING 440 101 - -
TOTO 110 100 - -
YIGO 550 311 - -
YONA 110 100 - -