Schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey

Explore 10 schools that serves 5,351 students with 496 teachers in Sicklerville, New Jersey.

10 Schools
3 Districts
5,351 Students
10 to 1 Students to Teacher Ratio


There are 10 schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey - 8 public and 2 private schools. The schools are distributed in 3 school districts by city limit and county territories - Camden County Technical School District, Gloucester Township Public Schools, Winslow Township School District. 5,351 students attend schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey and 496 teachers work for the schools.

By offered grades, 3 schools offer the elementary, 1schools offer the middle, and 1 schools offer the high school grades education.

Schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey by Levels and Categories
School District(s)
Total Number of Schools10 schools
Public8 schools
Private2 schools
By Level
Elementary Offered3 schools
Middle Offered1 schools
High Offered1 schools
Number of Students5,351 students
Number of Teachers (FTE)496 teachers
Students:Teacher10 to 1

Public Schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey

8 public schools are serving 5,351 students in Sicklerville, New Jersey. The next lists are showing the public schools by offering level.

Private Schools in Sicklerville, New Jersey

2 private schools are serving 5,351 students in Sicklerville, New Jersey. The next lists are showing the private schools by offering level.

School Districts in Sicklerville

343 Berlin Cross Keys Road, Sicklerville, NJ

09-12 Offered
2 Schools
2,096 Students
11 Students per teacher

17 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ

PK-08 Offered
11 Schools
6,290 Students
11 Students per teacher

40 Cooper Folly Rd, Atco, NJ

PK-12 Offered
8 Schools
4,721 Students
10 Students per teacher

New Jersey Schools

There are 2,586 schools in New Jersey distributed in 702 school districts. A total of 1,357,706 students attend New Jersey schools and 119,295 teachers work for the schools.

By school level, there are 1,498 elementary, 429 middle, 483 high schools, and 176 other type of schools (eg. ungraded, adult education, etc.,). You can view the detailed New Jersey school statistics at New Jersey schools page.

New Jersey Schools By Levels and Categories
Number of Schools
Number of District702
Total Number of Schools2,586
By Level
(Ungraded, Adult Education, other)
By Category
Charter School88
Magnet School95
Special Education4
Alternative School15