
Law Schools in Washington

There are 2 Law Schools in Washington - 1 public and 1 private schools. The 2025 average tuition & fees of the schools is $43,584 for in-state students and $56,316 for out-of-state students. The average GPA is 3.57 and the average LSAT (Law School Admission Test) scores of enrolled students is 161. The average acceptance rate of Law Schools in Washington is 42.61% and the yield, also known as enrollment rate is 23.22%.
The following table summarizes the key statistics for Law Schools in Washington.
2024 Statistics for Law Schools in Washington
Number of Schools2 Law Schools in Washington
(1 public, 1 private)
Tuition & Fees$43,584 (in-state), $56,316 (out-of-state)
Average LSAT Scores160.50
Average GPA3.57
Acceptance Rate42.61%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)23.22%
Bar Pass Exam Pass Rate82.92%
The following table lists Law Schools in Washington and you can compare them with key statistics.

University of Washington School of Law

University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA
Public law school located in Seattle, WA with 730 law students.
Acceptance Rate30%
LSAT Score164
Tuition & Fees
Washington Residents$43,584

Seattle University School of Law

Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA
Private (not-for-profit) law school located in Seattle, WA with 747 law students.
Acceptance Rate55%
LSAT Score157
Tuition & Fees$57,015