
Faculty Salary By Academic Rank at Saddleback College

The 2023 average faculty salary is $111,198 at Saddleback College across all academic ranks. Saddleback's faculty salary increased by 4.90% compared to the 2022 salary.
At Saddleback College, by academic rank:
  • The Instructor salary is $111,198, a 4.90% increase from last year (+$5,193).

Faculty Salary By Gender

The following tables show the average faculty salary by academic rank and gender at Saddleback College.
All FacultyInstructor
At Saddleback, the average male faculty's salary is $113,680 and female faculty's is $109,532. The difference in salary between male and female faculty $4,148, with male faculty' annual salary being 3.79% higher than that of female faculty.
Average Faculty Salary at Saddleback College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$111,198
+$5,193 (4.90%)
+$4,982 (4.58%)
+$5,380 (5.17%)
9-Month ContractNo Faculty with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$123,698
+$5,767 (4.89%)
+$5,530 (4.56%)
+$5,978 (5.17%)
11-Month ContractNo Faculty with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$107,037
+$7,740 (7.79%)
+$7,740 (7.79%)
The average salary for Saddleback's 239 Instructor is $111,198. By gender, the average male instructor salary is $113,680, and that of female instructor is $109,532. The salary difference between male and female instructor is $4,148, which means male instructor's salary is 3.79% higher than female instructor's salary.
Instructor Salary at Saddleback College
Contract LengthTotalMenWomen
Equated to 9-Month Contract$111,198
+$5,193 (4.90%)
+$4,982 (4.58%)
+$5,380 (5.17%)
9-Month ContractNo Instructor with 9-Month Contract
10-Month Contract$123,698
+$5,767 (4.89%)
+$5,530 (4.56%)
+$5,978 (5.17%)
11-Month ContractNo Instructor with 11-Month Contract
12-Month Contract$107,037
+$7,740 (7.79%)
+$7,740 (7.79%)

Faculty Salary Changes over Past 5 Years

The average salary for Saddleback faculty has increased 15.03%, from $94,482 to $111,198. Professor salaries decreased by 0%, associate professor salaries decreased by 0%, and assistant professor salaries decreased by 0% at Saddleback College.

How Saddleback Faculty Salary Compared?

Saddleback's average faculty salary is $111,198. Saddleback's faculty salary is much higher than the national average faculty salary at 2-4 years colleges ($58,760). Its salary is also well above the average salary ($78,300) of 2-4 years colleges in California.
Saddleback College is a Associate's - Public Rural-serving Medium according to the Carnegie Classification. When compared Associate's - Public Rural-serving Medium, its salary is much higher than national average and slightly higher than California Associate's - Public Rural-serving Medium.
2023 Faculty Salary Comparison
Average Faculty Salary
Saddleback College$111,198
Associate's - Public Rural-serving Medium$77,387
California Associate's - Public Rural-serving Medium$101,547
National Average (2-4 Years Colleges)$58,760
2-4 Years California Colleges$78,300

Similar Schools' Faculty Salary

Compared to similar colleges such as Cypress College and Evergreen Valley College, Saddleback's faculty salary is similar to the average salary ($109,918). You can compare the salary to analyze or make a decision. The similar schools are selected based on academic rank, location, school type & level, and tradition.
Average Faculty SalaryNumber of Faculty
Saddleback College$111,198873
Cypress College Cypress, CA$101,237599
Evergreen Valley College San Jose, CA$147,682330
Fullerton College Fullerton, CA$92,495876
Gavilan College Gilroy, CA$97,994246
MiraCosta College Oceanside, CA$124,998704
Mt San Antonio College Walnut, CA$104,273957
Ohlone College Fremont, CA$108,460425
San Jose City College San Jose, CA$131,793340
Copper Mountain Community College Joshua Tree, CA$87,227113
College of San Mateo San Mateo, CA$103,018335