
Faculty & Staffs Statistics - Northern Marianas Colleges

Total number of Employees at Northern Marianas Colleges by occupation

There are 206 employees at Northern Marianas Colleges - 79 faculties (instructional staffs) and 127 non-instructional staffs. By hired status, 168 full-time and 38 pare-time employees are working for Northern Marianas Colleges. By gender, there are 90 male employees and 116 female college employees at Northern Marianas Colleges. You may want to check the faculty (instructional staffs) salary by academic rank and non-instructional staffs salary by occupation. Next table shows the total number of faculties and staffs working for Northern Marianas Colleges by occupation.
Total number of faculties and Staffs at Northern Marianas Colleges
All Staffs 20690116 16868100 382216
Postsecondary Teachers 794039 411823 382216
Instructional staff 733736 351520 382216
Public service 633 633 ---
Librarians, Curators, Archivists and other teaching Instructional support 14311 14311 ---
Librarians, Curators, and Archivists 321 321 ---
Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians 110 110 ---
Librarians 110 110 ---
Library Technicians 101 101 ---
Other teaching and Instructional Support 11110 11110 ---
Management 23914 23914 ---
Computer, Engineering, and Science 651 651 ---
Community Service, Legal, Arts, and Media 1569 1569 ---
Office and Administrative Support 692742 692742 ---