
Wind Energy Technology/Technician Program

9 U.S. colleges are offering Wind Energy Technology/Technician programs and its subprograms.

Wind Energy Technology/Technician by Degree and Programs

0 graduate schools have Wind Energy Technology/Technician programs and no schools offer the program for BS degree. 9 colleges and vocational schools have the Wind Energy Technology/Technician program.
Wind Energy Technology/Technician Programs by Degree
Number of Offered Schools
Less than 12 Weeks Certificate-
Less than 1 Year Certificate3
1-2 Years Certificate6
2-4 Years Certificate-

U.S. Colleges Offering Wind Energy Technology/Technician Program

School NameUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionPopulatoinGraduation RateStudents to Faculty
College of Southern Idaho
Public, four-years
$6,840 ($4,560) - 8,096 30% 22 to 1
Colby Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$5,736 ($4,196) - 1,380 46% 19 to 1
Hagerstown Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$8,190 ($6,390) - 3,504 34% 16 to 1
Clinton Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$6,831 - 994 23% 14 to 1
Sullivan County Community College
Public, 2-4 years
$11,760 ($6,288) - 1,698 23% 19 to 1
Farmingdale State College
Public, four-years
$18,486 ($8,576) $18,101 ($9,245) 9,314 54% 18 to 1
Lorain County Community College
Public, four-years
$8,730 ($4,790) - 9,170 26% 14 to 1
Lakeshore Technical College
Public, 2-4 years
$6,842 ($4,649) - 3,154 47% 13 to 1
Centura College-Norfolk
Private (for-profit), 2-4 years
$16,637 - 221 65% 10 to 1