
Trade Schools in Reseda, California

2 Trade Schools

California Core StatisticsCompare all California Colleges

There are 2 colleges near Reseda, California - all private schools. All schools are located in the city limits (boundaries). All schools provide undergraduate programs and no schools offer graduate programs.
A total of 732 students is attending one of those schools (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges).
2 Trade Schools near Reseda, California
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
UEI College-Reseda
In Reseda
Private (for-profit)
less than 2-years
$19,900 Not Offered 711 22 to 1
Annenberg School of Nursing
In Reseda
Private (not-for-profit)
less than 2-years
$23,525 Not Offered 21 21 to 1