
Community Colleges near Virginia Beach, Virginia

2 schools in city, 6 schools near by

Virginia Core StatisticsCompare all Virginia Colleges

Virginia Beach is a city in Virginia and its population is 1,478,868. There are 8 colleges near Virginia Beach, Virginia - 2 public and 6 private schools. 2 colleges are located in the city limit and 6 colleges are in 30 miles from Virginia Beach. All schools provide undergraduate programs and no schools offer graduate programs.
A total of 19,973 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $13,251 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges).
8 Community Colleges near Virginia Beach, Virginia
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
Centura College-Virginia Beach
7.3 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (for-profit)
2-4 years
$16,637 Not Offered 109 11 to 1
Wave Leadership College
9.1 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (not-for-profit)
2-4 years
$8,390 Not Offered 33 2 to 1
Advanced Technology Institute
10.7 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (for-profit)
2-4 years
$14,568 Not Offered 459 13 to 1
Fortis College-Norfolk
11.3 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (for-profit)
2-4 years
$14,083 Not Offered 410 17 to 1
Aviation Institute of Maintenance-Norfolk
15.8 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (for-profit)
2-4 years
$16,757 Not Offered 232 10 to 1
Tidewater Community College
15.9 miles from Virginia Beach
2-4 years
$11,717 ($5,714) Not Offered 16,195 20 to 1
Centura College-Norfolk
16.0 miles from Virginia Beach
Private (for-profit)
2-4 years
$16,637 Not Offered 221 10 to 1
College of the Albemarle
29.9 miles from Virginia Beach
2-4 years
$7,222 ($2,249) Not Offered 2,314 13 to 1