
Community Colleges near Buffalo, New York

1 school in city, 1 schools near by

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Buffalo is a city in New York and it is the county seat of Erie county. Its population is 914,341. There are 2 colleges near Buffalo, New York - all public schools. 1 college is located in the city limit and 1 colleges are in 20 miles from Buffalo. All schools provide undergraduate programs and no schools offer graduate programs.
A total of 11,681 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $11,581 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges).
2 Community Colleges near Buffalo, New York
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
Erie Community College
In Buffalo
2-4 years
$11,300 Not Offered 7,843 20 to 1
Niagara County Community College
17.1 miles from Buffalo
2-4 years
$11,862 ($6,726) Not Offered 3,838 15 to 1