
Selected Colleges Comparison

Total CostsUndergraduateGraduateLiving Costs

Cost of Attendance (COA)

The following table compares the 2024 costs of attendance between selected colleges. The average COA is $11,033 when living on campus and $23,038 when living off campus. The COA includes tuition, fees, books & supplies, room & board costs, and other living expenses.
2024 Cost Of Attendance Comparison Between Selected Colleges
NameTuition & FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Escorial $11,137 $1,065 - $11,736
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Fajardo $11,137 $1,065 - $11,736
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Ponce $11,137 $1,065 - $11,736
Mech-Tech College $11,394 $400 - $14,950
Colegio de Cinematografia Artes y Television $7,195 $360 - $4,270
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia $8,325 $1,917 - $17,603

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The following table compares 2023-2024 undergraduate tuition & fees between selected colleges. The average undergraduate tuition & fees is $10,054 for all students. The 2023-2024 undergraduate tuition & fees of selected colleges are increased by 3.67% compared to the previous year.
Among the selected colleges, Mech-Tech College requires the most expensive tuition & fees of $11,394 and Colegio de Cinematografia Artes y Television has the lowest tuition & fees of $7,195 for undergraduate programs.
Undergraduate Tuition & Fess Comparison Between Selected Colleges
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Escorial $10,274$11,137
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Fajardo $10,274$11,137
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Ponce $10,274$11,137
Mech-Tech College $10,674$11,394
Colegio de Cinematografia Artes y Television $6,995$7,195
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia -$8,325

Graduate Tuition & Fees

No graduate program tuition information is not available or the schools.
Graduate Tuition & Fess Comparison Between Selected Colleges
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Escorial The graduate tuition information is not available.
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Fajardo The graduate tuition information is not available.
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Ponce The graduate tuition information is not available.
Mech-Tech College The graduate tuition information is not available.
Colegio de Cinematografia Artes y Television The graduate tuition information is not available.
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia The graduate tuition information is not available.

Room & Board, Other Living Expenses

The following table compares living costs including room, board, and other expenses between selected colleges. Each cost is in average and may vary by room types, meal plan, and other living styles. For academic year 2023-2024, the average living costs of selected colleges is $12,005 when living off campus.
Living Costs Comparison Between Selected Colleges
Room & BoardOther ExpensesRoom & BoardOther ExpensesOther Expenses (living with family)
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Escorial
-- $7,936$3,800-
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Fajardo
-- $7,936$3,800-
NUC University - IBC Technical Division - Ponce
-- $7,936$3,800-
Mech-Tech College
-- $10,000$4,950-
Colegio de Cinematografia Artes y Television
-- $2,900$1,370-
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia
-- $11,087$6,516-
Average- -$7,966 $4,039-