
Four Years Colleges in Columbia, South Carolina

8 schools in city, -2 schools near by

South Carolina Core StatisticsCompare all South Carolina Colleges

Columbia is a city in South Carolina and it is the county seat of Richland county. Its population is 560,041. There are 6 colleges near Columbia, South Carolina - 1 public and 5 private schools. 8 colleges are located in the city limit and -2 colleges are in 20 miles from Columbia. All schools provide both undergraduate and graduate programs.
A total of 42,655 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $22,471 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges). The acceptance rate of the schools is 64.31% and the average SAT score submitted by enrolled students is 1,075.
6 Four Years Colleges near Columbia, South Carolina
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
South University-Columbia
In Columbia
Private (for-profit)
$18,238 $16,536 510 15 to 1
Benedict College
In Columbia
Private (not-for-profit)
$18,000 $14,720 1,840 17 to 1
Allen University
In Columbia
Private (not-for-profit)
$14,304 $9,800 657 15 to 1
Columbia College
In Columbia
Private (not-for-profit)
$21,450 $15,216 1,514 11 to 1
University of South Carolina-Columbia
In Columbia
$34,934 ($12,688) $30,160 ($13,774) 35,653 18 to 1
Columbia International University
In Columbia
Private (not-for-profit)
$27,900 $11,640 2,481 13 to 1