
Private Colleges near Amherst, Massachusetts

2 schools in city, 11 schools near by

Massachusetts Core StatisticsCompare all Massachusetts Colleges

Amherst is a city in Massachusetts and it is the county seat of Hampshire county. Its population is 39,814. There are 13 colleges near Amherst, Massachusetts. 2 colleges are located in the city limit and 11 colleges are in 30 miles from Amherst. 12 schools provide undergraduate programs and 9 schools offer graduate programs.
A total of 20,617 students is attending one of those schools and its average 2024 tuition is $42,355 (based on out-of-state rate at 4-years colleges). The acceptance rate of the schools is 62.04% and the average SAT score submitted by enrolled students is 1,283.
13 Private Colleges near Amherst, Massachusetts
School NameSchool TypeUndergraduate TuitionGraduate TuitionEnrollmentStudents per Faculty
Amherst College
In Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$67,280 Not Offered 1,898 7 to 1
Hampshire College
In Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$56,630 Not Offered 508 11 to 1
Smith College
7.4 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$61,568 $61,260 2,873 8 to 1
Conway School of Landscape Design
8.1 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
Not Offered $38,998 18 -
Mount Holyoke College
8.3 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$64,142 $32,710 2,392 9 to 1
College of Our Lady of the Elms
16.1 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$42,061 $17,670 1,275 10 to 1
DiGrigoli School of Cosmetology
16.4 miles from Amherst
Private (for-profit)
less than 2-years
$14,750 Not Offered 52 12 to 1
Western New England University
17.3 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$46,430 $18,200 3,430 11 to 1
American International College
17.6 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$42,970 $10,983 2,010 12 to 1
Springfield College-Regional, Online, and Continuing Education
18.3 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$19,152 $19,548 461 7 to 1
Springfield College
18.3 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$43,707 $36,311 2,921 11 to 1
Bay Path University
21.8 miles from Amherst
Private (not-for-profit)
$37,227 $19,235 2,465 11 to 1
New England Tractor Trailer Training School of Connecticut
26.8 miles from Amherst
Private (for-profit)
less than 2-years
$12,345 Not Offered 314 20 to 1